Uncle Klayton
Klayton came out a couple weeks before the boys were born and he went back home a few days after. He was with Dallas and I in the hospital when I was rushed up to labour and delivery a couple of times. He sat there (probably bored...I was too!) for hours with us while we waited to see if the babies were going to make an appearance or if it was another false alarm. He was at the hospital for the csection. He took so many pics for us. Him being in Alberta was like a breath of fresh air for both Dallas and I. We had dealt with so much while I was in the hospital and Klayton being there helped so much. We was one of the first ones to hold Dylan and Kennedy. He spent many many hours doing kangaroo care with them. They grew strong because of this. We treasured our time with him and I know the boys did too. Here are some pics!
Gamma and Papa D
The next people that came out were my mom and Doug. They DROVE across Canada to get here. They came in the middle of July. Kennedy was home from the NICU but Dylan was still there. Dylan came home while mom and Doug were still here. Seeing my mom after giving birth was so amazing. I was just filled with emotion when I saw her for the first time. She reassured me that I, myself was doing a good job as a mom...I needed that. Mom and Doug helped me so much while they were here. They cooked every single meal. They took the babies so I could nap. They traveled back and forth to the hospital to visit Dylan. They watched Kennedy while Dallas and I went out to dinner and while we went to the hospital to bring Dylan home. They were the first ones to see all 4 of us at home as a family. It was so hard to see them go. I miss them so very much. Here are some pics from their visit!
Grandma and Grandpa
The next visitors were my grandma and grandpa! I was soooooo happy that they came all the way to see us! They flew into Alberta...drove into Camrose...stayed at a hotel down the street from us...and left a couple days later!! They were with me the day I took the boys to the doctors for the first time! Funny story - I planned on walking to the doctors appointment. No big deal...it is just down the street. I set up the double stroller in our apartment for the appointment. I put the babies in their seats and got everything ready. In my head, I would just bring the stroller down the stairs one stair at a time. In reality, it was not a good idea! I would have dropped the babies and the stroller down the stairs for sure! Luckily grandpa saw this and stopped me. He helped me carry it down the stairs and off I went! I guess I was a little sleep deprived! It was so nice to see my grandparents. I miss them so much! They make THE BEST Sunday breakfast in the world! I can not wait to move back home and be added to the Sunday Breakfast schedule!! Here are pics from their visit!
The next person to come see the boys was Dallas' mom. She came out at the end of July and stayed for a few weeks. She took such good care of us. She cooked us meals and kept up with the laundry. She made our bed every day and she helped with whatever else needed to be done. It was so nice to spend time with her! We went and got our hair cut together! She was also here through the hard times. She came with me to get the boys circumcised at 6 weeks old. It was one of the worst days of my life. I was a total and complete mess. She helped me through it. She listened to me worry the whole time. It was not fun but I could not have done it without her. She listened to me when I (stupidly and stubbornly) told her that I had to learn to take care of both boys by myself at night time. There was countless nights that I was up with the boys refusing any help. She was there to help but I felt I had to do it on my own. I know it was not easy for her to watch me through it but she did. She also came with us to our baby shower. It was so much fun! We miss you Grandmama! The boys do to! Here are some pics...
Auntie Shannon, Auntie Krysten and Auntie Britney
The next group to come to Camrose was my sisters!!! I had so much fun with them all. I love my sisters so much. We have a blast hanging out together. We all have this bond that is hard to describe. We know what the other one is going to say before they say it. All 4 of us can be in the small kitchen making dinner and hanging out and we move around each other with ease...always knowing where the other one will go next. I miss my sisters terribly each and every day. They are my best friends. Each of them brings something different to the table. We each have our own "role" and we each deal with issues differently. It was so much fun being with my sisters for the week they were here. I honestly cried for days when they left. They are a part of me and it felt like a part of me was leaving when they did. Here are some pics!
Grandpa K and Grandma May
Next was our visit from Dallas' dad and step mom Cindy. We surprised them by meeting them at the airport! We almost missed them but we made it! We had such a good time with them here! The arrived near the middle of September. The boys were almost 3 months old and they were just starting to have more happy times than sad times when they were awake. They helped me feed the boys countless times. They held them when they were fussing and they watched them while Dallas and I went out for a bit. It was so nice to spend time with them. We also went to get family pictures taken while they were here. The boys were sooooooo miserable! You wouldn't know it from the pics but in between each shot they were screaming! Cindy and I went to get a pedicure as well! It was so nice to be pampered and spend quality time with her! We can not wait to move back home so the boys can play on their farm!!! Here are the pics!
AWESOME! I was one of the first to hold them. Thank goodness I broke my foot lol
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