Our holiday season went by so quickly. Dallas was off work from December 23rd and goes back to school on January 4th.. It has been so nice having him home for this long. This is the first time he has been able to spend more than 2 days in a row with the boys. The boys love it too. You can see the love in their eyes when Dallas comes into the room. It is going to be so very hard on Monday when he is gone again. Plus, he will be out of the house from 6am through to 6pm. I am not looking forward to it at all. The boys are used to a routine which includes daddy now and when he is gone on Monday, they are going to be thrown off for a couple of days. They will just have to get used to it being one momma and two babies again :)
The boys are doing so good. Teething is still an issue. Some days are worse than others. I seriously can not wait for them to get their first little teeth! At least it will be proof of all the hard work they have had to do to get them.
They started sleeping 11 to 12 hours a night ( I think I already posted about that) and it is fabulous! Dallas and I get some time together, which is nice.
Dallas got me the Wii and Wii Fit for Christmas. It is great! We do it every night. Before long, this awful post twin pregnancy body will be long gone! I can not wait!!
One of my New Years Resolutions is to update this blog more. Hopefully, I can post a few times a week or whenever something funny happens with the boys....which is all the time!
Talk to you later!!
P.S. I am a little bit sad that it is not the year the boys were born anymore. They are growing up so fast and it makes me sad:(
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