We decided to start the boys on solids a little after they turned 5 months old. The first thing they tried was oat cereal. They both took to it pretty good. Dylan actually grabbed at the spoon! Kennedy was a little concerned at first but after a while he warmed up to it!
A week after that we tried bananas. The boys LOVED them sooooo much! Their tummies however did not. I will spare you the details but lets just say it did opposite things to each of them. So, no more bananas. The next thing we tried were sweet potatoes. They both liked them pretty good and they totally agreed with there bellies! Yay!!! After sweet potatoes, we decided to give avocado a try. It was the funniest thing to see Dylan trying to eat it!!! He was gaging on it after each bite lol! Kennedy liked it a bit more. Both there tummies did not like it so we will not be giving it to them for a while. Here is a funny video of them trying it!
The next food we tried with them was carrots. Carrots made Dylan cry. Poor baby. Kennedy liked carrots a lot!! Dylan's tummy did not agree with the carrots so we stopped them. After trying all the different foods we have, we have come to the conclusion that Dylan's tummy is not ready for veggies yet. We have decided to stick with cereal only for a month or so more then we will try to introduce veggies again.
After I posted the 4 month blog, I decided it was time to move the boys into their rooms to sleep. It actually went pretty good. They sleep in their cribs every night now! I totally and completely miss sleeping with them, but we usually nap together once during the day so that makes up for it! We are starting to move their bed time earlier and earlier. Right now, they have there last bottle at 8:30pm. Then they have their cereal and bathes. We lotion them up, put them in there pj's and they go to bed around 10:30pm. Some nights it is a little later..it just depends how the day goes. So far, it is going well. they each get up a couple of times during the night to look for there suckies. I can not wait until they can put them back in their own mouthes! It is so funny though....they take them out and stare at the suckies in their hands, then they throw them down and complain that they don't have the, anymore!!
They continue to love their bouncy chairs! The love chewing on anything they can get into their mouthes. I can not wait until we finally see some little teeth! They are having such a horrible time with teething. It will be nice once it finally pays off. We still practice sitting and standing with the boys. Dylan loves to sit! He is always straining to sit up when he is laying down! So much that he actually makes himself throw up because he is trying so hard! Right now he can go about 15 seconds sitting by himself before he falls over. Kennedy loves to stand! It is hard to get him to bend his legs to sit! He is always trying to stand up which makes feeding time difficult! It is so funny how both boys are so different at some things! The boys still hate tummy time but they are getting better. Each one has rolled over from tummy to back once. Here is a video of tummy time!
We are very sad that we are not going home for Christmas. It breaks our hearts. It is just not in the budget this year. We are going to take as ton of pics and videos so everyone can see the boys on there first Christmas!
We miss you all!