SLEEPING ~ They are still sleeping from about midnight through to 8:00am. Some nights they wake up a few times and I need to put their suckies back in but I am ok with that. They still sleep in our bed...Although they are getting so big, I'm not sure how long we will be able to keep them in it. But...I'm not gonna lie...I love sleeping with them. It is very peaceful to watch a baby (or babies!) sleep. When they do move into their cribs, it is going to be very hard for me...It is nice to wake up to them right there....Just to know they are sleeping peacefully and they are happy and cozy and safe!
EATING ~ I am still breastfeeding them with the nursing pillow. They also get 2 formula bottles a day....So out of 7 feeds, I bottle feed them only two times. Oh...and they don't like to eat for anyone but me. Dallas tries and also Elizabeth but they do not succeed. The boys will eat with them for a minute or so then they will just stop! Kinda frustrating for me! But, what can you do...They are with only me for 20 hours a day ( I am including sleeping lol) so I guess to them "mommy" means "food"! They have also started to play together when I try to nurse them. I frequently have to tell them to stop playing while they eat! They are so cute though...They will hold hands, talk to each other, or just stare at each other.
DAILY SCHEDULE ~ My main goal this past month has been to keep them on the same schedule. It is a constant battle. If they do not nap at the same times, then they will get hungry at different times and it throws everything off. Most days are good but some days Dylan (not pointing finger or anything) does not want to nap while Kennedy naps. Those are the days that are hard. My days are pretty much the same day after day. Wake them up at 8...nurse for a few minutes...put them back to bed...wake an hour or two later...nurse time...put them back to bed...wake 30 minutes or so later...feed them time ...try to get them back to sleep if they are cranky...wake them...nurse them whenever they are hungry next (they only go 2 hours at the most now in between feeds) time...try to get them down for a nap...daddy comes home...feed them if they are cranky...nurse them before bed...In bed anywhere in between 11:30 to 1:00am...usually by midnight. that I read this, it seems they sleep a lot....But in reality it is a lot of mini-naps...except for their first one of the day.
PLAY TIME ~ We do a number of different activities with the boys. They become bored with one activity after about 20 minutes. At one point during the day we have "Brother Time". I lay the boys on their sides looking at each other. They talk to each other or grab each others hands. Sometimes, one baby will be talking away looking at his brother and the other one will be staring at the wall or the ceiling fan! We also practice sitting up and standing up. They are so strong with their little legs already! They are also good at sitting. They hold their heads up perfect. Another thing the boys now like is their bouncy chairs. This is a new development that just started this week. They try to grab at the toys and laugh while they do it! We also put on their Baby Einstein DVD's for them to watch...This only lasts 15 minutes or so before they get bored.
DIAPERS ~ We have cut our diaper load in half as well...Now instead of a total of 24 diapers a day, we are down to about 12...Thank goodness! 140 diapers a week is a lot of diapers! We are still using Pampers Swaddlers....This is a HUGE treat for me that Dallas surprises me with...I LOVE these diapers....They smell like baby powder and they are soooooo soft! Of course they are expensive..that is why it is such a treat for me! I never would have thought I would get so excited about diapers lol! But these ones are fabulous!!
TEETHING ~ Yes thats right... they have started teething...Not fun...Some days are worse than others. Thank goodness it is not every day. They chew on their hands and they don't eat as can tell that it hurts them so much. Poor babies! We give them Oragel, Tylenol and teething tabs for the pain...Not all at once of course! They also love to chew on their Sophie the Giraffe's...these teething toys were well worth the $44 they cost! They are very similar to a dogs chew toy....they squeek and everything! But they are made of this special plastic...Here is the write up from the website and a pic of the boys with Sophie!
"Born in 1961, her success is legendary in France. Made in the French Alps with natural rubber and non-toxic paint, Sophie has been safely cuddled and chewed for over 40 years! She is soft, light, and easy to grasp and fits perfectly into little hands. Sophie is loveable and amusing. She even makes a happy sound when squeezed. Babies especially love her bumpy head to soothe their teething gums."