Sunday, September 27, 2009

The boys are 3 months old!

Well....a lot has happened since I wrote last. The boys are 3 months old now! They won the battle with the suckies and with them sleeping in our bed. They nap in their cribs but in order for me to get a solid 6 or 7 hours at night, they stay in our bed. They sleep really close together with their arms wrapped around their blankets. It is so cute! They start to get tired after the 10:00 feed...we get them all settled with their blankets and suckies and they drift off to sleep. They typically sleep unitl 7 or 8ish. I can not believe how easy it is to get them to sleep now...It used to be a constant battle but now they are doing great!

We have a lot of nice happy moments with them now as well. They smile all the is truly rewarding. I have been tandem breastfeeding them with a new twin nursing pillow we purchased and that is going well too. We had them on formula while we were battling Thrush and because of that my milk supply went down, but it is slowly getting back up there and soon we will not have to supplement at all.

They got their first needles a few weeks ago as well. It went pretty good. Of course they freaked out while they were getting them....their poor little legs! While we were there they also got weighed... Kennedy weighed 11lbs 4oz and Dylan was at 11lbs 5oz. Also, Dylan is 1 inch shorted than Kennedy..Other than that everything else was about the same.

We will post again soon!

K & D 3 month professional pics!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

11 weeks old!

Well, the boys are growing fast and they are hitting some major milestones. They are both getting good at their hand-eye coordination. While on their playmat or when we are holding a toy in front of them, they hit it with their hands! Kennedy was hitting one of the toys on his playmat yesterday...he also turned his head while laying down in the playpen when I turned on their sun that lights up....this seems like a little thing but it is actually huge that they are becoming more aware of their surroundings.

We have also started a bedtime routine. We are on day 3 today and they are slowly coming around. Since they have been home we have slept them in bed with us because quite frankly, I am so exhausted at the end of the day the last think I wanted to do was to get up out of bed to feed them in their room every 2 hours...especially when it took about 1 hour to feed them....if you do the math, that is not a lot of down time in between. Now that they go 3 or 4 hours in between feeds, we felt it was time to move them into their cribs. There was a few problems with this. First off, they were not used to their cribs or their rooms at all. They did not spend any time in there and they really didn't want anything to do with sleeping away from their mommy and daddy. We knew it was time to change this or we would be sleeping with 2 toddlers before long. So, we started a bed time routine which starts off with a bath, then a bottle, then cuddle time in our bedroom with both of us, then going to sleep in their own cribs. It took 6 hours, but they both slept in their cribs from 3:00am to 7:30am!!! This was the second night we did the routine. The first night, after 5 hours the babies won and I brought them back into our bed to finally sleep. Last night was the first night without their suckies as well. We found that we spent more time putting them back into their mouths when they fell out. Or, they would get mad at them and take their hands and put them under the suckies and throw them away!! Little monkeys! So, we are suckie free and so far so good!!

They are getting so very big. The don't fit into their newborn clothing anymore. They are now wearing size 3 to 6 months! This week is another big week for them....They get their first needles on Wednesday. I am hoping it goes probably won't though and that is OK...Just another thing we need to get through.

As for me and daddy d, we are both doing well. I have learned that I can indeed function on 5 hours of interrupted sleep. Sleep in highly overrated lol! I have learned that in order for the babies to be calm, I also have to remain calm. No matter how tired or frustrated I get, I put on a calm front for the boys....and it seems to be working. Dallas is doing great too! He has his share of baby time when he is home and the boys love hanging out with him. It is hard for him to be away from us when he is at work...especially when the boys do something cute that he misses. We have "parent meetings" every day to discuss what the boys did that day..what worked and what didn't. We remain a united front with the boys because we believe consistency is best for them.


